PingKarma Communal Callithump-Welcoming all  Loving Lexiphiles,

Juggernauts for Justice, Joy Junkies, Hope Dealers, Kind Kings, Gracious Gurus, and Masters of Kindness, Read my long lengthy ramblings, comment, conversate, and contribute, 

PKCD Post-PingKarma Blog Spot- Join us to share ideas, experiences, and opinions and learn more about Raising the Vibe, Kindness, Practicing Gratitude and other simple ways to turn your minute, your day, even your whole life around. 

Post 1-PingKarma's Mission

PingKarma Values- 

I consider the principles below and the Zibu Angel Symbols that represent them one my company's most valuable assets. I hand drew each from images I found online of less than perfect renderings of the Zibu Angel Symbols and perfectly kept the imperfections that my less than talented drawing produced. It was important to me because I know I have not perfected any of these important values 100%.       

They are the imperfect foundation on which all PKCD  business decisions are made, I consider them in my day to day conduct, my partnerships, my relationships, and my community involvement.      They are at the core of  PingKarma's "Raise the Vibe..." initiative, and they are why we strive so hard to be fair, affordable, flexible, transparent, and connected with each and every client.  Every day I do my very best to live these principles and spread the positive vibrations that acting in alignment with my core beliefs produces.

I challenge you to do the same.

Yes, We know that they are not perfect, or always aligned, or even pretty or precise.

And that's ok, because they are true, and real, and attainable...and we appreciate that.







Effortless Connection








Post 2-PingKarma's Mission Continued

2. PingKarma's Mission

Raise the Vibe... 

Pablo Picasso said-"Everything you imagine, is real."

And I Agree! For 20 years I have had a passion for creating custom designs, but I only recently decided to try to make a business out of my favorite hobby. This past year I have created PKCD Custom Apparel and Home Goods,๐Ÿ‘•๐Ÿ–ผ All Skate-Custom Skateboard Line, ๐Ÿ›นand Face Case-Custom Phone Cases. ๐Ÿ“ฑ But my favorite jobs by far are the custom designs I get the opportunity to create straight from the creative mind of my clients. The feeling of presenting someone with their initial catalog of designs and realizing how excited they are because it is just right, is so very rewarding. It forms a connection between myself and my client that is so charged with good energy it fills my space long after I have completed their project.

In honor of my daughter Ping, my mission this past year has been to focus on adding kindness, laughter, gratitude, and good vibes๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒท to my life and the lives of those around me with the hopes that the ripple might be felt throughout the universe๐ŸŒŒ... and I believe that the designer/client experience has helped me immensely in my mission to "Raise the Vibe"... 

I further strive to "Raise the Vibe"... through the happiness that our designs and our products bring to our clients as well as the beautiful connection we make with each client we serve. This whole endeavor is my attempt at adding positivity, freedom, and personal meaning into not only my own life; but that of the universal equation. I have tried to include unique, useful, quality products that will perhaps enable you to achieve a happier, kinder, comfier,  and more connected experience by making your days just a little brighter, ๐ŸŒž your activities ๐Ÿคน๐Ÿฝ‍โ™€๏ธ a bit more fun, your landings a little softer ๐Ÿ›Œ๐Ÿฝ....your vibration ๐ŸŽ†just a little higher..

I am honored to have the opportunity to design products for you to enjoy as you love and care for one another and your individual selves, as you actively and positively participate in life. I want to help you to be charitable and proactive in your kindness. I wish to be an integral part of your small business dream, helping you build your brand identity and improving our communities by fostering strong local businesses. I love when I get to design a custom package for those that are celebrating beautiful life moments such as a wedding, a birth, or an anniversary. But I am especially honored to offer Personalized, Curated Memorial Packages for celebrating the lives of your loved ones that have passed away. I recently suffered a great and traumatic loss when my partner passed away after being struck by a car while crossing the street on an otherwise normal Friday evening. I was astonished at the limited offerings for memorial designs-everything was so...."typical" and did not represent him or his lifestyle in any way- and the extreme price gouging that was customary for any product titled memorial, remembrance, or funeral. It was right then that I decided that custom curated, non-traditional memorial designs offered at price 25% less than "everyday" products rather than 100-200% more were going to be added to my already extensive design service offerings. Think Tie-dyed DeadHead, Psychedelic, Punk Rock, Tattoo Enthusiasts, Irish Whiskey Drinking, Jagerbomb shooting, 420 celebrating, River Ratting, Music loving, Motorcycle Cruising, Pony Tailed, Pitt Bull Parent or completely traditional doves flying up to heaven Memorial photo boards, keepsake cards, and programs, offered always at a discount with the same empathy and heartfelt care I poured into designing Kev's Memorial Ensemble. Visit our online store at or contact us at to learn more. 


I wish to create an online experience and a community that promotes peace,โ˜ฎ reciprocal and charitable kindness, safety and protection for all living things.๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿน๐Ÿด๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฆง I hope we can focus on positive experiences while spreading love and kindness๐Ÿคก๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿ‘ฆ‍๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’˜not just to your immediate tribe but to the whole world ๐ŸŒŽand everyone in it. I can feel my personal vibe elevate each time I am included in my clients lives as they CELEBRATE FUN, SILLINESS, LIFE EVENTS, LOVE,  AND WONDERFUL MEMORIES!!!! That is why I appreciate each of you so very much!!๐Ÿ’‹โŒโญ•โŒโญ•


Post 3-PingKarma's Raise the Vibe Initiative


Raise the Vibe...PingKarma Intl Kindness Initiative: Be Kind to All Kind



Raise the a PingKarma Intl Kindness Initiative. Born of the desire to form an elevated vibrational connection this initiative was imagined before the idea for a custom design business and I before I dreamt up the name PingKarma  . The signal for searching for connection is referred to as a "Ping "-which just happens to be my daughter's nickname since 2 years old, so the fact that I  thought of none of that BEFORE choosing the business name or her nickname is so magical it took my breath away when I finally noticed the "connections"      

1. First and foremost, we will be promoting unity and a sense of connection with all living creatures, staunchly opposing anyone that purposely or willfully chooses to cause harm to other humans or animals, and trying to help those that rescue and save abused and neglected souls (of all species). Basically, we hope to help to touch lives of those less fortunate, those that have not experienced the kinder side of the universe, those that have carried their trauma inside their minds and their pain inside their hearts. To play a small part in positively providing those that have suffered with as much love and hope as possible is our mission. Through small but deliberate acts of kindness and giving back we hope to show those that have suffered neglect and abuse that kind, loving, compassionate, caring humans are not a fairy tale. That there is a place for them among us, where they will finally get to experience what it feels like to vibrate at a gloriously high frequency. We hope to inspire many with this mission and spread this message across the globe.  

This lofty mission starts with how we run our business and treat our customers. 

What this means is that we

2. Diligently research our product and print service providers for ethical and moral business behavior.  We look for partners that have certifications from organizations such as WRAP,  The Fair Labor Association (FLA), and Sustainable Jungle. Click here for a list of other organizations that audit and certify trade and manufacturing. 

3. We make a concerted effort to NEVER partner with manufacturers or businesses that support forced or child labor, indentured slaves, or victims of human trafficking.

4. We investigate all companies we work with to ensure they are ethical and honest in their business practices and  in the use of your data and are committed to protecting  your privacy and your personal information. 

5. We choose companies with a commitment to sustainability and we try to offer sustainable product offerings.

6. We will give a portion of our profits when we are able to many kind causes throughout the globe. In addition, any cause or organization on our Be Kind to All Kind List receives a discount up to 100% off of their design service package. Anyone can submit a cause or organization to our Be Kind to All Kind List by using our Comments Section. Any causes and organizations that are doing great kind work around the world we will happily add. Eventually, we hope that supporting these important causes will be the main focus of this business. 

7. We do not discriminate. We promote unity and celebrate our similarities not our differences.

8. Every human and living creature on this planet deserves kindness and that is what we promote.

9. We vow to never profit by capitalizing on your losses, wins, celebrations, or remembrances. We will never charge an inflated price for our services or our products based on what life event you are hosting a gathering for. We may in the cases of memorials and fundraising offer discounts or free design services as our way of alleviating some of your burden or increasing the impact of your efforts. Our flexible pricing allows for discounts and pro bono services on a case by case basis so never hesitate to ask if pricing is an issue. We would rather design for you for free than not have the opportunity to vibe with you at all. 

Post 4-How We do all the things!!

Technology has completely changed designing from when I started out making taped together banners for my kids' birthday parties, or when I spent hours at Kinkos scanning, printing, and binding photos for individual calendars for everyone at Christmas time. Often times you can just type your idea into a chat bot and an impressive piece of art in 15 different styles can be yours. AI and I don't really vibe that well though. I always end up just like my clients searching and searching and rewording but it just is never quite right. I guess I just need the "real" nothing "artificial" magic to get my Vibe up. However...Although I do not use AI in my custom creations, the many other advancements in design software and internet offerings are more than sufficient allowing me to create your design exactly how you imagined it.

The only thing I can't imagine is why everyone is not living within their own 100% customized reality. I know, you already know - YES, I have customized...ALL THE THINGS-FOR ALL THE THINGS -TO CELEBRATE ALL THE THINGS in my family's world, and my friends' worlds, and my pets' worlds. LOL and frankly they are kind of over having their face on their socks and their 1st grade drawings on their new mittens. So that leaves the rest of you inhabitants of earth. You must relieve my adult children and their future spouses from my crazy customizing. Because I am here to design and customize ALL  THE THINGS you can possibly imagine!

Now Open! welcomes our newest online retail store...

Your go to one stop shop for 

Celebrations with Imaginations